



The twelfth "Flexible Intelligent Sensing" theme event of SIAT Butterfly Salon was successfully held

    On the afternoon of August 18, the twelfth "Flexible Intelligent Sensing" theme event of the SIAT Butterfly Salon of the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Biosensing Innovation Forum theme exchange event were successfully held in the lobby on the 1st floor of Building D. This exchange event centered on new sensors and their applications, aiming to give full play to the advantages of "exploring new mechanisms in the upstream, developing new devices in the midstream, and developing new applications in the downstream" to promote the integration of the upstream and downstream of the scientific research chain. This event was co-sponsored by the Institute of Integration, the Institute of Medical Engineering and the Scientific Research Division of Shenzhen Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Associate professors Xiao Kai and Liu Ji of Southern University of Science and Technology and Assistant Professor Sheng Yixuan of Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) were specially invited to give keynote speeches. There are three institutes in total. About 60 key scientific researchers from the school participated in this event. The convener and host of the event were jointly served by researcher Liu Zhiyuan from the Neural Engineering Research Center of the Institute of Integration and Research and researcher Du Xuemin, director of the Intelligent Medical Materials and Devices Research Center of the Institute of Medical Engineering.


    Liu Ji, associate professor at Southern University of Science and Technology, gave a special report titled "Bioelectronic Interface Based on Hydrogel Adhesion". He briefly introduced the application of hydrogel materials at the interface between human tissue and bioelectronics and the current problems. , in view of the shortcomings of biological tissue adhesion performance of current synthetic hydrogels, his team designed and manufactured new hydrogel materials to meet the application needs of adhesion under humid conditions, and to solve difficult problems faced in the field of wearable bioelectronics. Provides effective solution strategies. Associate Professor Xiao Kai of Southern University of Science and Technology gave a special lecture on "Neural biomimetic materials and brain-like computing based on ion transmission". Focusing on the theme of brain-like ion informatics, his team built a series of ion-controllable devices through bionic means. Interface materials, and developed new brain-inspired algorithms based on deep neural networks (DNN) and spiking neural networks (SNN) to achieve low-energy consumption, high-throughput brain-inspired computing; by constructing ion transport-based systems in a multi-scale range The neuromorphic device realizes its use in biological signal/information regulation and "artificial intelligence-biointelligence" barrier-free communication. Sheng Yixuan, Assistant Professor of Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), gave a special report on "Wearable Systems Empowering Intelligent Rehabilitation Medicine", focusing on the application of brain muscle signals in the field of stroke rehabilitation. Through the fusion of multi-modal biological signals, It reconstructed neural pathways and conducted rehabilitation assessments on a large number of patients in a hospital setting, achieving positive therapeutic results.


     After the special report, the young PIs had intense discussions and exchanges on hydrogels, neurobionic materials, synthetic biology, and smart rehabilitation medicine. In addition to the conveners and specially invited experts, researchers from Shenzhen Academy of Advanced Technology Liu Chengbo and Dai Zhuojun conducted academic exchanges with experts and audiences. In the free discussion session, participating experts, young PIs and some students discussed with each other in the form of a buffet, and the collision of ideas was extremely lively. This Butterfly Salon "Flexible Intelligent Sensing" themed event explores research topics and cooperation prospects for universities and scientific research institutions on cutting-edge academic issues in the field, and promotes communication and exchanges between upstream, mid-stream and downstream to produce more high-level scientific research results.

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