Professor Du Xuemin from Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology won the Nano Research Young Scientist Award
2024-01Congratulations to Dr. Huang Chao for winning the title of Top Ten Outstanding Postdoctoral Candidates of Shenzhen Advanced Institute of Technology in 2023
Developments of Additive Manufacturing and their Applications in Tissue Engineering
2024-01Research on nanomedicine for tumor phototherapy
(Associate) Researcher (Bionic Intelligent Materials, Biological Interfaces, Smart Wearable and Implantable Devices, etc.)
2024-08Postdoctoral Fellow (Recruiting 10; Materials, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Biomedical Engineering, etc.)
2024-07智能医用材料与器械研究中心 诚邀海内外优秀人才加盟
2023-03Research Assistant [Limited to 1 position, recruitment ends when the position is filled]
2024-08Research team