



The Research Center for Intelligent Biomedical Materials and Devices appointed Chen Xuesi academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as chief scientist

    On November 22, the Research Center for Intelligent Biomedical Materials and Devices of the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (referred to as the "Intelligent Medical Materials Center") held a chief scientist appointment ceremony. Chen Xuesi, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was officially appointed as the chief scientist of the Intelligent Medical Materials Center.

    Zheng Hairong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and vice president of the Shenzhen Academy of Advanced Technology, attended the appointment ceremony and awarded the honorary certificate of "Chief Scientist" of the Intelligent Medical Materials Center to Academician Chen Xuesi. Zheng Hairong said that Shenzhen Advanced Institute has achieved a series of cutting-edge scientific research results in the field of medical materials and has emerged a large number of young talents. In particular, the Intelligent Medical Materials Center has grown rapidly. He believes that Academician Chen, as the chief scientist, will inject surging innovation and development into the Intelligent Medical Materials Center. power. Academician Chen Xuesi said that in the future, he will contribute to the development of the center through academic exchanges, student training, scientific research cooperation, etc.

    Academician Chen Xuesi is currently the deputy director of the Academic Committee of the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the deputy director of the Academic Committee of the Key Laboratory of Ecological and Environmental Polymer Materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since 2004, he has been awarded the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the State Council Government Special Allowance, the Jilin Provincial Senior Expert, and the Changchun City Special Model Worker. He was selected into the National Key Talent Program in 2013, and was selected as a fellow of the International Federation of Biomaterials and Engineering in 2016. In November, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Currently, he is mainly engaged in the research and development of biodegradable medical polymer materials, tissue engineering and drug sustained release, and the industrialization of polylactic acid and poly-caprolactone.

    After the appointment ceremony, Academician Chen Xuesi and many other well-known experts gave brilliant academic reports on cutting-edge cross-research topics of intelligent medical materials.

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